• MARCH 2023 Update

    BIG PARK FOR DOGS is making progress and now has a piece of land available to us. It is now time to begin fundraising for the hardscape items to bring our dream to fruition.

    I am currently looking for individuals interested in doing some of the legwork to get donations for fencing, shade structures and a water tap.

    Call me at 719-440-0687 to volunteer.

  • AUGUST 2022 Update

    Given that many residents are out of town for the summer and after email correspondence with the VOCA board president informing me that ONLY VOCA MEMBERS are welcome at VOCA Board Meetings, we are going to postpone the public presentation of the Dog Park to the VOCA Board.

    Please stay tuned for more information.

  • JULY 2022 Update

    Big Park For Dogs is making progress towards getting a location for our future off-leash dog park in the Village of Oak Creek. The Big Park School unfortunately has squashed our dream of being located in the former Big Park School grounds :(. We are however looking at alternative sites including the 5 acre VOCA land off Verde Valley School Road.

    Here is where you come in…we NEED as many people a possible to attend the VOCA BOARD MEETING on AUGUST 24, 2022 at 3PM in the VOCA Board Room next to the Oak Creek Golf Shop to show OVERWHELMING support for the development of our off-leash BIG PARK DOG PARK.

    SO, grab your friends and don’t be shy - tell everyone you know (and ask them to share it with their friends). Most importantly, BE in attendance at the AUG 24 VOCA Board Meeting. We CANNOT afford to miss this opportunity to let the VOCA Board know that this OFF-LEASH Dog Park is NEEDED in our VOCA community. We need this not only for the community, but also for our four-legged friends who need a safe place to run!

    Also, while you are at it, make your CONDITIONAL PLEDGE on our website today! Thank you to the many generous folks who have already made their pledge. We need as many people as possible to PLEDGE so we can demonstrate that we are behind this project and will have an off-leash dog park in our community SOON!

  • JUNE 10 Meeting HIGHLIGHTS

    On 6/10/22 a group of interested neighbors met with Jane Peck at the VOCA Large Meeting Room to discuss progress.

    Donna Michaels, a supporter of Big Park For Dogs and a community dog park, joined the group and shared several opportunities for donated hardscape items which our committees will pursue once a site has been solidified.

    On June 9, Jane presented to the Big Park Regional Community Council. Jane Peck reported that the BPRCC Community Plan committee identified that approximately 50% of VOC households include dogs and that a dog park is a highly desired amenity. Big Park for Dogs has a business plan for a membership-based park and is looking for a viable location in the Village. Big Park for Dogs is seeking funding in a combination of donations, grants and conditional pledges to cover costs of dog park hardscape such as fencing and shade structures in the amount of $150,000. A conditional pledge is made now but is not due until a predetermined benchmark is achieved which could be county permits. If no such permit is issued, the pledge would be null and void. Meeting with owners of potential sites is a key next step. In conclusion, Jane asked that people sign a non-binding pledge form and enroll in their email list for updates.

    Big Park For Dogs is reaching out to landowners to open discussions regarding land leases.

    We are also looking for volunteers for a few working committees .

    Finance - help refine costs for dog park hardscape

    Membership - help solicit potential members and pledges

    Fundraising - help obtain resources and dollars to make our park a reality

  • Next Meeting ZOOM - July 9, 2022 9 AM SEDONA TIME

    Join Jane and other dog-loving neighbors on Zoom for an update on progress on SATURDAY, JULY 9, 2022 at 9 AM SEDONA time for an update on progress. The update should take no more than 30 minutes with time for questions.

    Please RSVP to bigparkfordogs@gmail.com to receive ZOOM Information.

  • Where is the Dog Park?

    We are currently exploring multiple options in the Village of Oak Creek. We have reached out to at least four potential landowners regarding leasing their land for this purpose. More news as have it available for publication.

  • What's Planned?

    Big Park for Dogs will offer great amenities including water fountains, separate areas for large and small dogs, spacious areas for running off leash, playground activities, shaded areas for seating, a path for on-leash walking, potty bags and that’s just for the dogs! For the People who Love them we will offer world class service, comfortable seating, parking and a community of fellow dog lovers.

  • When will it be ready?

    That is the ultimate question and as you know, it can’t come soon enough!

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Join us and be a part of something you can be proud of.